Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Bored- KAITLIN ♥'s Juliet~

Hey this is kaitlin! i havent posted in like 6 days..... im really bored!
Marisa was not nice @ school 2day (i hope yur reading this marisa) lol
i had 2 go 2 my brother's base ball game... it wuz boring, but i got to rehearse (dance) and train (my dog 4 her doggie show)!!!!!
ok, well i did REALLLY good @ my dance performance! it was awesome! You can't stop the beat and the bird (my dances) got like seriously loud applauese! and lol alllll the girls in my acro class were screaming 'yea girlie! go kk!" on the side after my jazz dance- it was flipping awesome and it made me feel...... uh let me think of "chandler's vocabulary" *happy!* lol

also, on friday i had 2 (lol GOT to) leave early from school 2 load Gracie! she was a demon cuz she was by raggus and spot! lol she was rearing and biting and kicking and bucking!!!! i was scared cuz i did SOOOOO not want her to get hurt!!!!! so anyways, @ the show (highfields in aiken baby!) every1 placed REALLY good.
lindsey: 3rd, 2nd, 5th, & some more ( i cant remember)
mary beth: four 1sts, 2 champions, a third, some seconds, and some others.
Me: 2 5ths, 2 3rds, one 6th, a 1st, and reserve champion!!!
molly: 5th, 6th, 5th, 4th, 2nd, and something else....
marina: 4th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and others.
corrine: champion, 1st, 3rd, 2nd, 4th, idk wat else.
ellen: 1st, 3rd, 4th, 1st, champion, and 1 other ribbonn......
so we did great!!!!
I am ike REALLLLYYYYYY tired now so i'm going 2 bed...... g'night evry body!!! lol

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