Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hey it's kaitlin

hey it's kaitlin! I rode yesterday (monday) and today (tuesday). I had two pretty good lessons... But, today when i rode; i got there and gracie had a walk trot lesson!!! urrrggghhh so i had to wait for an 8 year old to finish riding her, and then i had to wait for a three year old to finish!!! lol omg it wuz annoying but it wuz cute watchig them learn how to ride! i wasnt mad or anything but i had 2 entertain miles and do all these favors for people... hold horses, get water bottles, take bud in, tell such and such this, and then help with getting horses in/out to the farrier..... lol i wuz frustrated!!! but then we had an OK lesson... we jumped the following "courses"
- x, vertical & vertical, X
- coop, vertical
- khaki, coop & coop, khaki
- rolltop, barrels, & barrels, rolltop
also we walked, trotted (posting, standing, sitting, and 2pt), & cantered. It was pretty fun lol!
Also, i have good news!!!
My dad agreed to the 1/2 lease on Gracie for me, so come tommorow I'll be leasing her!!! YAY ttyl oh, and i'm not really mad at my family anymore
I just needed to "vent" my feelings lol jk :-D
♥ yas (and i mean tyler) lol

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I am so mad

Ugh!!!!!! this is Kaitlin- I'm soooo mad at my dad, my brother, and my mom!!!! I took my dog on a walk 3 times this afternoon when i got home from camp. Yet, when i tell my mother this, she doesn't believe, and my brother starts some stupid story about how i let my dog run a round in the stree (with out a leash).
Then, I am trying to practice for my dance recital on Friday- i have 5 dances to remember!!!! my brother comes up and he's like, 'i need to use this rom, get out' so i got mad and i told him that i was using it first and how he wasn't supposed to even play ball in the house {he was practicing for a baseball game} so JOKING AROUND with my dad, as they are leaving the room, i hit his arm, bc he was being mean & i was kidding... so anyways, he starts yelling at me and the whole time lukas is smirking at me!!! then he goes, Juliet peed in the house- clean it up kaitlin, so i completely lost it! it made me soooo mad!!! oh, well i will be away for 8 hours 2morrow, so i dont have to deal with them. THANK GOODNESS!!!!! I will post more later!! :-D ♥ ya

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


This post is a dedication to all those who are helping prevent Global Warming. Thank you. I hope everyone will pitch in and help our earth become healthy again.

Simple things like turning off the water when you brush your teeth instead of letting it run are little things that can conserve water. Unplug the hair dryer and the hair straightener when your not using them. Simple things like conserving water and electricity can help stop Global Warming. Go to www.abeautifullie.org for more Tips to stop Global warming.



haha i forgot to post this but its this british girl singing ((funny))

this one to i forgot this ...this guys name is FRED!!! hes really funny you have to watch all of his videos on youtube =D


Chandler is typing..im bored.
nothing to do=[
oh yeah i was bored earlier, so i got an email on yaho
{for those who have a yahoo account}
it is


woo hooooo!!
im bored and guess what!
now im going to make random animal noises!
what ever noise a penguin makes!
the end...
now its the end!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Chandler and Jon...boredom..random posting

this is chandler typing.......Jon is over here at my house...
we are bored as crap...so i got on blogger...and well..here we are.. bored still.!
guess what!!!!!!!
i can resite the whole emo song!!
i have actually acomplished something in my life=]
im bored..
we can find something better to do than post for you losers..
so bye!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I hate Amber Fagget even more!!(Amber Bagget)I HATE HER

and that is just if she is lucky, if she pisses me off more, shes dead over the summer..what a waste of my perfect life!!
i hate her!
i hate her!
i hate her!
she keeps lying about Jon and then i get mad at Jon and then it just keeps screwing with me and Jon's relationship!
god she pisses me off!!

i cant stand her!!
she wants Jon sooooooooo bad but he doesnt like her and she just cant get over it!!!
she is always trying to hang around him lol
its funny
but next time i see her, i am going to flat out slap her in her ugly very disterbing face, and then make her suffer a slow and embarassing 7th grade until she is humiliated so she dies=]
i love being mean to her,,
plus she deserves it=]
screw Amber, i hope she dies(not seriously because that is very mean but OH WELL)
i love Jon though=]
so sad she cant even get the UGLIEST guy around to date her=]
well anyways
ive gtg so bye, and enjoy this music video i got for yall=]
P.S.~this is my favorite song,Jon showed it to me=] luv him so much=]

JimmyEatWorld -Pain