Thursday, May 8, 2008

Random things; Jon,Carson,Hunter,Will...other people to

OM...FREAKING!! G i have to stay at Kaitlin's house until Sunday lol!! i am going to die!! haha lol she just hiit me lol im jp lol its fun over here lol we just read Claire Lee's blog and it is funnyy as crap...and that thing about her not matching was totally true!!

she freaking didnt match!! my OCD was bothering me!!
Jon hasnt been at skool for like two weeks...and im grounded so i cant call him=[

but im so paranouid he died!! lol jp(just playin)
i want him back at skool so bad lol
Hunter Corpis only talks to because he hates Jon and he wants to fight him and he purposly pisses Jon off by talking to me and crap!! its soo annoying
but i know Jon isnt gonna fight him cuz Jon cant get in trouble...or else,,, yeah enough about that!

OMG!! today Carson Kerns finally got to sit by me in keyboarding lol Mrs. Busto like yelled at him but i yelled back at her so that he could sit there and not in his normal seat!
haha it was so fun!
and Nick actually behaved tfor once!!
and ...
yeah idk..i just forgot what i was going to say..or type..whatever!
ok then lol

I cant wait til Jon comes back to skool lol!!
i miss him=[
i havnt been able to hug him for like a week!
it is killing me!!
ok then..
lol but i am not ashamed of what anyone thinks of me just because im sad because i cant hug my SCREW YOU!!

ok then lol
but lol

tomorrow at skool, its friday!!
and plus Jon might(notice i said Might)
but i want him to come so bad!!
and if not im am going to kill Alex Walters for not telling me where Jon is lol
Alex Walters is like Jon's best friend

My best frined is Will!!
hes my buddie!!...or maybe Carson..idk
Carson is my bestest buddie!! he always makes me feel better for some reason!
lol but i still ♥ Jon so much!!

but um..
i gtg
so ttyl
luv ya Jon!

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