Sunday, May 11, 2008

So sad!!! ( Kaitlin Typing)

OMG it is soooo freaking sad that i am now single !!!! I feel free though.....
Here's what happned:
We ( chandler, jennie joe, reese, blake, jay, john, wills, franklin, and jeremy oh and EMMA) were at this festival. I decide that I liked it better when Reese and I were friends, ad am considering dumping him. Then, Blake comes up, and olivia had just dumped him!!! AHHHHHHHH now i couldn't dump reese!!! Oh well! I got jenni joe to dump him. Then, a couple hours later, he basicaly asks out Jennie Joe (she's had acrush on him ever since he and I have been going out -like 2 months) so now Chandler and Jennie Joe have boyfriends but i am freaking single. Oh well for now. Please pity me! lol leave comments!!
~kaitlin and Juliet~


Kaitlin and Chandler said...

ok, in this post i was JUST KIDDING! so any1 who thinks im like desperate or anything SHUT UP- bc i am not. i was kinda mad, but im not really anynmore- except about the stuff in the next blog paragraph thing- so BYE

Anonymous said...

oh wow kaitlin you're cool. NOT

Cally said...

ok so that comment from supahhblondaroo was rly from marisa.

Kaitlin and Chandler said...

yea marisa, i used 2. uh get over it!

Kaitlin and Chandler said...

um if u noticed, gay is when 2 guys like eachother. since im like pysically UNCAPABLE of being a GUY i cant POSSIBLY be GAY. uh think ` little black headed blondie!
~Chandler and Kaitlin~

Kaitlin and Chandler said...

um if u noticed, gay is when 2 guys like eachother. since im like pysically UNCAPABLE of being a GUY i cant POSSIBLY be GAY. uh think ` little black headed blondie!
~Chandler and Kaitlin~